Monday, September 17, 2012

Leah Loo Monthly Update

 My Sassy Bean,

What a month! This month you started school. You were a little nervous at first. Not to go to school, but to stay the entire day (which includes a nap with NO Nuk). We did a little bribing with Tangled paraphernalia, and you did great. To reward you, you received a Tangled tunic, a Tangled lunchbox, and a little Tangled doll.  Your love for Tangled hasn't faded, though you are more into Tangled "things" rather than the actual movie. I don't think you've watched it in close to 2 weeks. 
This month you also became a better sleeper. After trying every "Supernanny" trick in the book, we backed off and took you and the situation for what it is. You like to be with people. You do not like to be left "alone" and you do not care for the dark. After too many nights of threatening to leave if you didn't go to sleep, we realized that all we were doing was building your anxiety, not your independence. We told you we would sit in the chair, not the bed, until you fell asleep. When you realized we weren't going to leave (until you were asleep), you started falling asleep in 20 minutes or less (a big improvement over 2 hours). Like clockwork, you are back to waking up once a night, though all you usually need is a quick snuggle and you are back asleep in 3 minutes or less. 
 You also let Daddy take you to bed most nights now. I really miss you at night, even if you are just down the hall. I cherish reading you stories and snuggling with you at nap, though! I think it is nice that you have a Daddy routine now, too. Every night he gives you a piggy back ride to bed and reads you an extra book before you go to bed. 
 You had your 3 year check up and did really well. You are in the 16% for height and the 28% for weight. The doctor was impressed with how smart and articulate you were. You did a super job and told me you were excited to tell your teachers about your adventure.
 You still love to go places. You were very excited for the Fall Fest. The website had a picture of a Merry-Go-Round, so we assumed there would be a Merry-Go-Round. There wasn't. All the other rides were a bit too intimidating for you. Your favorite "game" was the Duck Pond game pictured above. To play, you give $5. The carnie tells you what kind of duck to find. You were instructed to find a princess duck. You did, and you "won"! You selected a giant duck. You named him Duck Squeaks A Lot. He now lives in our bathtub. 
You are also into all things "Princess". At the beginning of the Disney movies, you look longingly at the castle. I told you we would take you to the Castle (Disney World) when Juliet is 2. Now you talk about it all the time! You said you are going to ask the princesses if we can live with them and drink tea with them. 

You continue to be one of the best behaved kids on the planet. You get compliments everywhere we go about how cute and smart you are. You love to learn new things and have almost all your letter sounds down pat (T, W, and  D seem to consistently trick you). Right now you are sick with a low fever and a runny nose, but aside from your restless sleep and nose, you would never know. You hate to be "sick" and argue that you are "fine". You don't even want a Band-Aid when you are hurt! 

You are such a gift, Sassy!
Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

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