Friday, October 5, 2012

Little Reader

 One of my favorite things that Sassy does is "read". She will select a book from her (large) collection and sit down and read. It always sounds like this: "dee-dee, doo-dee, dee-dee, doo". She will look at the pages and just read and read for up to 20 minutes. If you try to read to her when she is "reading". She will stop you and say, "Just let me do it myself!"
 Sassy loves books and reading is usually her first choice activity, followed closely with  coloring. 
 Sassy still gets 2 books before nap and 2 books before bed, although she almost always argues for (and is granted) more. I try to read to her throughout the day, too, but that it is hit or miss with Jelly Boo. As a Reading Recovery teacher I have taught Leah a lot about books. She understands and uses every concept of print I teach in Kindergarten. She would love to learn to read, too, but honestly I am a bit reluctant to teach her. Leah has successfully mastered all letter sounds and hears sounds in words. She "stretched" Rapunzel with me and heard the R-P-N-Z-L. I think that's pretty good! 

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