Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Photo Bomb

 Sassy before the Trick or Treat Parade at The Summit. She was so excited to go, even though she really had no idea what "trick or treating" meant. 

 Juliet wore Leah's first costume ever. It was a little more snug on Jelly Boo than it was on Leah. Most likely because J. Boo was 3 and 1/2 months older when she wore it. 

 Seriously...I could eat these girls up.

 Leah was so excited to get out of the door that she was literally shaking with excitement. It's so weird that she now "gets" all the holidays. I was telling her about last year, and she DID NOT believe that she dressed up like a Ladybug and came to my school. She kept insisting, "No, Mommy, I am Tangled, and I am going trick or treating 2 days in a row! I don't want to be a ladybug!" 
 Here is my baby getting her first "treat"! 
 Jelly Boo did a good job, too. She took it all in, then got in the car and took a nap. It is exhausting to be 5 months. 

 We saw Lukey and Anna! They looked great in their costumes! 
 Today Leah dressed up like a farmer for school. All the preschools have "Farm Day". Yesterday Leah was in tears saying she didn't want to dress up like a farmer, only like Rapunzel. Then she was in tears about not wanting to wear a shirt under her dress. Then she was in tears because....I forget. There are a lot of tears at our house now about what we wear. Sassy would like it best if she could only wear Tangled clothes, twirly dresses, and strappy warm weather wear. I've stopped giving her options, stopped negotiating, and now just silently dress her each morning when she tantrums.  It seems like she snaps out of it faster with this approach.  This morning she was in tears because she didn't want her hair in braided pig tails. I won. We got to school and Miss Lynn says, "Leah, I love your hair!" to which Sassy replies, "Oh, these, I love them, too! My Mommy did them for me. I love my Moooommmmmyyyy!" 

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Great picture of Lukey and Leah!