Sunday, January 13, 2013

8 Month Jelly Belly!

 Jelly Belly Boo,

I think this has been your best month so far. This month you perfected crawling, started pulling up on everything, became a HUGE eater, got some new teeth, and just seemed to develop such a personality (not that you didn't have one before!)
 This was a huge milestone month for you. In addition to crawling (you are QUICK!) and pulling up, you also learned to wave (usually only for hello, we are working on good-bye waves) and how to do "so big" (see picture below for evidence). You also learned to say MAMA! I did it! After a few days last month of "hi, dada!" you abruptly stopped saying anything close to those syllables (at least in conjunction--hopefully it wasn't because I told you if you didn't stop, I would stop nursing you!). Ha! You say Mama every time you are tired or just done. Sometimes you even wake up in the middle of the night to say it. Over vacation, mid-nap, Chris and I heard you flopping around your crib. You stopped, said, "mama?" then went back to sleep. You never say it when you are happy. It seems to be your code for "I'm unhappy, rescue me"! 
 Also, you sleep in your crib for all but your last nap now! Yay! You still take at least 3 naps a day. Typically you take 1-2 morning naps (1 for me, 2 for the nanny, depending), 1 afternoon, and 1 evening nap. You like to be held for the last nap of the day. I don't mind because a) I love the cuddle time and b) I know that you'll drop that nap in the next few months. You still sleep between your daddy and I at night, and we have no plans of changing that. You typically wake up 2 times a night, though there are days where it is much more frequent, as well as days where you sleep through the night. 
 You are getting bigger but still wear 3-6 month clothing quite comfortably. A few of the outfits are getting small, but I bought you a few 6-12 month one-piece outfits which are a little big, and your legs get tangled up in them when you crawl. You wear a size 3 diaper. 
 You are such a mover and shaker! You are one busy girl, Jelly Boo. The 8 month sticker was promptly ripped off and crumbled. You make a bee line for all of your sister's cherished toys when we put you down. Leah always stayed right by me and played reasonably quietly. The second I put you down you are off! You love to play with the cat and dog dishes, and don't care that I tell you no. You love to bang on your toys, and you love toys that make noise. The musical cubes from Daddy's bosses are a favorite toy of yours, as well as the musical cube from Santa. 
 You are still such a smiley baby! When you get excited you start kicking your legs. You love your Mama, Daddy, and Sissy. Leah can always make you laugh. You love when she plays with you, but question why she is always trying to take your toys away. When you notice that Leah is in my lap, you immediately crawl over and start pawing at me.  
 You still love to eat. The mesh feeder seems to have run it's course. You like the food Mama cooks for you as well as Plum Organic food (but not other brands--believe me, I've tried). All the new foods have been a little hard on your system. I made you prunes today. You loved them! This month you even started to eat puffs! You love to collect them in your hands, but haven't realized that you can/should put them in your own mouth. You squawk loudly at me when you want more. You know eat a solid lunch and dinner each day, and let me know when you are hungry. 
 You still have your 2 bottom teeth, and now 2 top teeth are emerging. You love to grind them together. Santa brought you a toothbrush for Christmas, and you LOVE to get your teeth brushed. 
 You love Rugen and Brain and are always crawling to them. You are constantly trying to pull up on Rugen. He always gives me a look of concern as you try this, but never protests. I try to keep you clear of the animals, but like I said before you are fast. You can clear the room and be into the next room in the time it takes me to open a marker for Leah. 
You are such a joy, Jelly Boo.
I have no recollection of life without you!

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