Monday, January 21, 2013

Hands on Museum

 Chris has been working on Saturdays for the past several months. Boo. Last Saturday he said he wouldn't work. We went back to the Hands on Museum, and Leah had a blast! She was talking about the musical stairs and balls for days before hand.  
 She like the balls, but this time she really liked the water table. She had fun playing with the animals and boats. 

 She liked the bubble room, too. Except for the bubble that was supposed to go around her. She accidentely stepped in the water and got her shoes and sock all wet. We took off the sock, and she said she didn't mind. 
 J. Boo hung out in the B'jorn for the first half of the trip, and in Daddy's lap for the second part of the trip. 

 What Leah loved best this trip was digging for fossils. It looked like she was digging in cat litter, but it was actually small rubber pieces. 
 The piano was a hit as always. 

 Leah also really liked building in the blocks. So did J. Boo. 
 After we were done, we went to our favorite local Mexican restaurant. Juliet ate, and ate, and ate. Then she was showing off her "so bigs". 

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