Monday, January 21, 2013

Leah Loo Update

 Sassy Mae,

You are getting so big! You are obsessed with getting even bigger, though. You are really into "getting married". You went through a phase where you wanted to watch Daddy and Mommy's wedding video every night. Every time we read "Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm", you turn back to the page that has her wedding ring and ask, "When will I get a wedding ring?" You love your Tangled wedding dress from Grandma L, but sometimes tell me you don't want to wear it because you want it to still look nice when you get married and you don't want it to get "wrecked, because it's very, very delicate". We were watching Full House and Stephanie was kissing a boy. I told you "no kissing boys!" You replied with, "OK, I can kiss a girl and marry Juliet". Ha!You loved Tangled Ever After, both the book and the movie. It's too bad no one we know is getting married because I know you would be an excellent flower girl, and would take the entire wedding process very seriously. 
 You love to watch Full House. Every night you ask me, "Is Full House on tonight?" It was a ritual that we all watched a Full House in our bed each night. However, a few days ago there was an episode where Michelle worries her foot is growing too big. She has a dream that her foot gets bigger and bigger until it is as big as the kitchen. You were absolutely terrorized by this. You started crying, demanded we turn the TV off and wanted to go straight to bed. You wouldn't even let Daddy read you books. You just wanted him to cuddle you until you fell asleep. He obliged. Now you say that we are giving Full House a little break. You say that you still want to watch it, but you NEVER want to watch the episode about the foot again because it was too scary. 
You love to read. You are reading all of my Rick Steves books that we used in Italy. You point out all the maps and ask, "how do we get there?" You carry around a bag of books with all your favorite books inside. You love to read. You can read many books perfectly, from memory. 

Your favorite toy is Pete the Cat. He goes everywhere with you. Today he was being pushed around the house in the doll stroller, packed into a suitcase for Mexico, and riding a Donkey named Dave. You also love chap stick and love to carry them around the house. You have several different varieties  and often have your mind set on finding a certain one. You then make your Daddy and I look in every room until we find the exact right one. 

You are in the midst of a little bit of a clingy stage with Mommy. I hear "Up on Mama" and (my favorite) "Can I please have some attention now?". You want Daddy to hold Juliet so that you can be cuddled. Juliet is teething and is also very clingy. You two like to try to push each other off my lap and protest about which one needs me more. It's funny, though, because on Sunday you and Juliet both decided that you wanted Daddy, and tried to push each other off his lap. 

Daddy and I started a sleep chart with you a few months ago. It was a rocky start, and your sleeping over the build up to Christmas was atrocious, but you seem to be in a good sleeping groove now. You let Daddy put you to bed every night. If Juliet is sleeping, I will cuddle you in bed first and read to you. Daddy always reads to you, too, regardless if I did, too. He then sits in the chair for 20 minutes. Then he tells you he is going to sit in the hallway on the bean bag chair. But, he really just goes to bed. Ha! You seem to be on to him and ask for him to sit where you can see him. You wake up about once a night now, and just need to be told to lay back down and to close your eyes. You don't need anyone to lay with you, which is a big improvement! You are earning stars and already earned a Tangled pillow, which you adore. You are on your way to earning a Tangled blanket (you have always loved blankets, and they have always ranked in the Top 5 of the 'toys' you play with most!).

You also love to sing. Daddy and I love when you make up songs. Last night I was singing a silly, made-up song to you and Jelly Boo that I've sung to you for years. You added a verse about Daddy and kept the tune. You love to sing, and seem to pick up melodies and words quickly. 

You are such a delight, Sassy Mae!

We love you so much!

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