Sunday, January 13, 2013

Little Miss Gymnastics

 Leah was so excited to get back to gymnastics. She has been talking about it for months. For months she would say, "After Christmas, I'm going back to gymnastics!" After our last holiday party, she solemnly said, "Christmas is over now" and got a sad look on her face. Then she got really excited and said, "Today is gymnastics!" It wasn't. And she was disappointed to wait another week. 
What a difference a year makes! The above picture is her before her first gym class. She was 2 years and 2 months old. She took 3 sessions last year. She had her highs and lows last year. It was a great learning experience for her, that I think did help prepare her for preschool. This year, at least for the first session, it was all highs. She loved the warm up (which she NEVER did before), she listened to the teacher, volunteered for everything and was all smiles. At one point, she turned to her teacher and said, "I love learning!" My heart melted. She also told me she wants to go to the "Limp Sticks" (Olympics). 
 She got mad that I took Juliet's picture. 
I am glad that Leah is so excited about her new extra curricular activity. We love having Robin and Lukey in class with us, too! 

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Very cute pictures of both the girls! Juliet is getting so big! Her and Anna need to get together again. Lukey is having fun with Leah in gymnastics. He asked the whole way home from yesterday where "Leela" went.