Sunday, June 16, 2013

Last Day of Preschool for Sassy Mae

 Sassy celebrated her last day of preschool on Friday. Well, it's kinda the last day. She will still go occasionally over the summer; however, there will be some new teachers in her room. 
 In the weeks leading up the the last day, Leah was feeling pretty nervous. On the last day, there is a big celebration on the farm. There was horse riding planned. Leah was very nervous about it, telling us repeatedly, "I don't want to ride a horse, maybe when I'm bigger I can ride a horse. Maybe I shouldn't go to school on Friday...."  We told her that she didn't have to, of course, but it didn't seem to make a difference in her mind. 
 Of course, I pick her up, and she casually says, "Oh, Mommy, I rode a horse today?!" Like she could't believe it herself. She rode the "tiniest" pony. She was so proud of herself! 
 The also got to play in the barn, and eat a brown bag lunch on the picnic tables. Leah told me what all the other kids had in their lunches, and asked me to buy her Cheetos and more Monsters Inc juice boxes because that is what her friends had. Ms. Tammie even gave her her first ice pop. Leah LOVED it, even though it took me a few minutes to figure out what she was raving about. 
 Leah had a great year! To be honest, I don't think it did much for her academically, but socially I've seen huge changes! She is much more confident, and plays with other kids very well. She is kind, uses her words when necessary, and shares (with other kids, though not with her Mommy, Daddy, or Sister unless under threat of punishment). Though she still slinks into her classroom most morning, refusing to make eye contact with her teachers, they assure me that she "gets right in there" when I leave. She is always playing when I come get her. 
 Her best friend this year was a girl named Lauren. She tells me that her and Lauren "quack" at each other to make each other laugh. She loves to talk about Lauren, and even drew pictures of her and Lauren's houses on Chris' Father's Day card. Ms. Tammie told me that Leah could be a little possessive of Lauren, but we've talked to her about it, and now she eagerly tells me, "I played with Lauren AND other kids today, Mommy!" everyday when I pick her up. What a year!