Sunday, June 16, 2013

Liberty Fest

 Sassy waiting to get tickets...she was so excited...
 Leah riding the horses on the Merry Go Round. C says the she named her horse "Leah". 
 Riding more rides...Leah loves the different rides! 
 Juliet was tired, but she held on and had fun. 

 There was this trampoline/bungee thing ride. At first, Leah was scared and didn't want to ride it. However, she kept looking at it and checking it out. Then, she announced that she wanted to ride it. This is the face she made when I told her she had to wait in line. We see this look a lot...usually accompanied with a "HUMPH!" noise. 
 She turned the look around fast when I told her she needed to be happy or get out of line. 
 Here is our jumping bean! She LOVES to jump. This was the perfect ride for her! 
 Little sissy looked on... 

 Look at her go!!! 

 Juliet liked the animals best. Juliet wanted to walk right up to the camels/"doggies"