Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easter Eve Fun

 The girls were really excited to dye some Easter Eggs. Dying eggs always reminds me of when I was really pregnant with Juliet. Leah loved dying eggs and would always ask when she could do it again. We tried to really play up the whole, "You are going to have so much fun when Mommy is in the hospital!" A few times she would reply, "So, can I dye Easter eggs?" She still loves it. 
 Juliet was pretty interested, too. She gets so mad if she can't do exactly what Leah is doing at the exact same time, though. There might have been some shrieking happening during the process... The dye stains pretty bad, and Juliet did not like having to be more dependent on Daddy. Even with the increased supervision, she ended up with dye all over her hands and somehow tracked it all over the floor. 
 Their finished product!

 While they were doing that, I made this cake. Thank you Pinterest. The girls helped me eat the leftover frosting. Chris laughed at me for taking a picture of the cake. He kept asking me if I was going to load it unto Facebook now. For some reason we think it's really funny when people post pictures of what they're eating. 

 We tried to take some Easter Eve pictures, and it went pretty well....

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