Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dance Recital

 Juliet was thrilled to participate in her first recital. All year she was so excited that she was in dance too. She couldn't wait for the recital and to wear make-up (no mascara, though, that's much too scary). She was so happy!
 Leah was the experienced professional. This was her third recital so she told Juliet all about what would happen and what to expect. She was such a trooper during dress rehearsal. I had packed up all of the necessary supplies and her costumes. Somehow, I left the garment bag containing her other costume on the kitchen counter. The rehearsal is way out in BFE, and she was in the 5th dance, so there was no way for me or Chris to get it to her in time. She was upset, but pulled it together and was so brave about having to rehearse one of her dances in the wrong costume. At the actual recital one of her friends came up to her and said, "Leah, you're in the right costume!". Leah was so annoyed. She was so brave. I still get a little choked up thinking about my Mommy fail. Her teacher probably thinks I'm crazy because I started crying when I explained the situation to her. She found me later to reassure me and I started crying again. I know it's not a huge deal, but I had so much guilt about feeling like I failed her. 

 Juliet hasn't learned how to adjust her eyes in the light, so I never got a great picture of her. 

 Juliet and Anna had fun in the same class. I bet they do it again next year! 
 The best family picture Aunt Renee could get. Look at Juliet's face. Speaking of Aunt Renee, here was another Mommy fail. I told Aunt Renee the recital was on a Wednesday (which it was originally scheduled for--rescheduled in the winter). We were just finding our seats when I texted her to see if she was close. She, of course, had no idea what I was talking about. Being an amazing Auntie, though, she just got right in the car and booked it over. We didn't tell the girls she technically missed their first dances. We recorded them on C's phone, though, so she got to see them. She saw Leah's second dance. It's too bad, though, because the number she saw got all messed up. Somehow the kids were lined up wrong. They got on stage and no one knew what to do. 1/2 the class ran off stage. Leah stayed on stage, but had a confused look on her face the entire time, trying to recalculate where she should actually be positioned. 

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