Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Random pictures

 Leah lost her first top tooth. It was very jarring to see how different it made her look. It also made me a little misty. I feel like loosing teeth is a huge step toward being an actual big kid. She let me enjoy the one less tooth look for about 5 days until she lost the other top one. She got $6.25 for the first top tooth because it was such a monumental loss. The second top tooth only got her $1.25 and she was slightly miffed about that. Then she broke Juliet's Prince CD so she had to use all her money to buy Juliet a new one. Now she has 1 more wiggly tooth and is keeping her fingers crossed that it brings big money because we are going back to the American Girl store in August and she has big dreams of getting Lea's Treehouse (it is $400, so she needs to loose her entire mouth of teeth!)
 We also went strawberry picking. Both girls had fun. We made a pie. We didn't make jelly this year, which Juliet reminds me about often. She really liked our homemade jelly. She went through a 2 year phase where she wouldn't eat jelly. She actually loved the homemade kind. We ran out and bought new kinds, but she always reminds me that she liked the homemade kind the most. I keep saying we should go back and pick some more. We will see. :)
 Leah had crazy hair day at school. We looked on Pinterest and decided on cupcake hair. The picture of Leah didn't turn out. I have a good one on my phone, but don't know how to import it. Oh well. 

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