Sunday, October 4, 2020

First Day of School!

It was a rainy and gloomy day on the first day--matched perfectly with our moods about COVID still going strong and school being 100% virtual (though we agree it is the safest thing to do!). 

It is Leah's LAST YEAR at Workman and I'm in total disbelief. I remember walking her to her line the first day of Kindergarten like it was last year. This year she is in Mrs. Scott's class. She's off to a great start!

We hope that she can go back at some point and get to do the things she has been looking forward to for years--being a safety, participating in the talent show,  joining choir...

Juliet is in 3rd grade and can officially play on the "big kid" playground. This would have been the first year she was a BIG buddy instead of a LITTLE buddy. 

I never used to let them write out their own boards, but I've relaxed a lot. LOL!

I worked for the first few weeks of school before taking leave. It's a lot to work around the COVID restrictions with kids. With everyone virtual, we decided it was best to not worry about childcare and who can help the kids with troubleshoot technology with both of us working. So, I'm off until January which feels weird. I can't believe how hard teachers have to work to make virtual learning successful! I am so thankful for our school and the teachers there. They are total rock stars. 
Work made the teachers work from their classrooms which was a bit annoying. The girls came with me every day for the first few weeks. It was eerie and surreal to have them in the school as some of the only kids there. A few other teacher brought their kids, too, and we would have "recess" most afternoons. The girls LOVED this and it was nice to see them have a bit of normalcy.

We can't forget about Teddy! He started year 2 with Tina. We love her so much and are so thankful she helps us!


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