Sunday, October 4, 2020

Teddy went through a stage where he really liked to wash his feet each day. 
I found this beast of a boy in Teddy's crib one afternoon. I have no idea how he jumped in. Brain Brain has slowed down a bit in quarantine. We got some bloodwork done and it's likely that he has some sort of cancer. We pray it's slow moving and that he was a lot of life left. He is spoiled freaking rotten now with wet food and attention. We celebrate when we notice a hip in his hop like when we find that he's jumped all the way up into Teddy's crib for a snooze. 
Teddy LOVES to help me cook. This boy runs right over and wants to help as much as possible. Good thing we don't have people over or do much because he always tastes as he works and doesn't always wash his hands as he works. 

More turtle catching!
We dyed the girls hair earlier in the summer. Juliet's didn't really turn out so we redid it for her. She loved it! 

We decided to get our driveway done in May. They started in July. It is October and we still have no driveway. Worst experience ever. 

In keeping with our natural summer, we also had deer visiting our bird feeder daily. Sometimes she brings her baby. Recently she has started bringing a skunk friend! 


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