Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Leah's Big Sing

 Sassy had her first ever Christmas concert. I was really emotional thinking about it. She just seems so little still, and I was worried how she would do on stage. Of course I tried not to let on. Mommy took the day off work and Daddy took the morning off work to attend. We got the girls dressed festively and got ready to attend. Both girls woke up with a little bit of a cold, so that was a bummer, but we carried on! 
 I figured all the other kids would be wearing red or green, and I wanted Sassy to stand out, so I dressed her in gold. She was so excited to wear her "fancy dress" and talked about it everyday for the days leading up to the concert. 
 Leah was very excited! She couldn't wait to get dressed and go to school! 

All the kids on stage were just adorable! Some were crying and hiding their eyes (there were A TON of adults in the audience). But Sassy was just looking around. When it came time to sing, she sang very tentatively  but sang nonetheless. She did a great job with the hand motions, too. The entire program was just so stinkin' cute. Daddy had a hard time seeing, but I crouched in the aisle and recorded the show. We watched it several times that night, and Sassy was so proud to see herself sing. Her favorite song that they performed was "Go Tell it on the Mountain". She loved the song and the motions!
 When all the kids were getting dismissed from the stage, Sass got a little overwhelmed, but she recovered quickly with a cookie. We got lunch at Olde McDonald's and called it a day. 
We love Sassy's school and are so thankful to the teachers for preparing such an amazing show! 

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