Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Jelly Boo Turns 7 Months

 Dear J. Boo--

I have fallen a little behind in your monthly posts. It's been a busy month! 
 You have been such a joy this month. Daddy and I have noticed much less crying and fussiness. This month you seemed to smile nonstop. I remember when Leah was a baby worrying that she was sad more than she was happy. Leah was much harder to get to smile. You smile non-stop. Daddy jokes that he likes to time how long he has to look at you before you smile. It's usually not long. And it is usually a full body smile. This month you also started to stick your tongue out when you smile. We see your tongue all the time! 
 This month you worked hard at crawling (you've finally got there--but I save that for your 8 month post). You move around by rolling, sitting up, laying back down and rolling some more. You are fast. You can move across an entire room when I turn my back. 
 This month we thought you said your first phrase, "hi dada". It seemed like you said it several times over the span of one weekend, but we haven't heard it again since. Leah's first word was "Mama" and I was naturally hoping it would be your first, too. Either way, I guess it still can be because "hi dada" is definitely a phrase, not a word. 
 This month you still have just your two bottom teeth, though your top teeth are getting close (one actually popped a few days ago, but I'll save that for your 8 month). 
 You love to eat. Mommy makes you sweet potatoes, pears, apples, and bananas. You still love to nurse and wake up multiple times each night to do so. You are eating dinner almost every night, and often snack on various fruits throughout the day via a mesh feeder. Your tummy is still sensitive to dairy, and Mommy still limits the dairy in her diet and doesn't allow you to have any foods with dairy. 
 You love to get into things to play with and often contort your body in crazy ways to get to an object. You are very interested in the things that your sissy plays with and try to get to whatever she is playing with. You hear, "no, Jelly Boo, that's not yours!" several times each day. You love playing with your sissy though. You love when she "holds" you. You smile and smile. You also love your Mama and will try to crawl up my legs when I am sitting on the floor. 
 You are still a big time drooler and go through several bibs in the span of a day. You are getting SO MUCH better in the car, but still often cry. You are getting better at sleeping in the crib for naps, too, but still enjoy being held as you sleep. Mommy is getting better at putting you down. 
What a month, J. Boo! Daddy, Sissy, and I love you so, so much. You bring so much love and happiness into our lives. I can't imagine our lives without you!

Your Family

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