Sunday, December 16, 2012

Santa Claus is Coming to town.

 I love this picutre of my little evil elf. Santa brought her this outfit last year for Christmas. We didn't know if she was a girl or a boy (though I was always sure she was a girl).  
 Last Saturday we got all dressed up to go see Santa. Sassy was SO excited. She talked about it all week. She told her teachers, our nanny, everyone she encountered. She even practiced with Mommy and Daddy.

We got to the mall and had lunch. Santa was on break until 2:00, so we got in line at 1:45. We were third in line. Sassy was obviously getting tired, but was still saying she was excited. Finally, at 2:02, Santa Claus came walking toward us. Sassy immediately said, "Up on Mommy". When she is overwhelmed, she always hides her face. Sometimes it's a playful hide, sometimes it's a bury her face in my shoulder hide, sometimes it's something in between. This was a total body hide. Every inch of her was wrapped around me, and it was as if her entire body was trying to mold into mine. I thought she was just being shy, would take a few minutes to adapt, then be fine. That's when I noticed her little body just shaking. She was sobbing! She was so overwhelmed and scared. She refused to even look at Santa. Of course we left. We kept reassuring her that it was okay, and she would never have to sit on his lap if she didn't want to. But, she was embarrassed. You could tell. I think it was the first time I was ever sure that she was embarrassed. I felt such an overwhelming feeling of guilt for taking her. 

We reassured her that we wrote a letter to Santa, and he had received it. We reassured her that Buddy would tell Santa that she's being a good girl. She seemed to feel better. Santa even sent her "Pete the Cat and his 4 Groovy Buttons". 

We told her that she could try again, if she wanted, when she is 4 years old. Now when ever we talk about any important upcoming events (Sesame Live, the Beach with Grandma and Grandpa), she'll get excited, then pause, and say, "I'll still be three years old?" 

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