Thursday, February 14, 2013

9 Months!

 Jelly Boo,

The amount of time that you lived in the tummy, and the amount of time that you have lived out of the tummy are now equal. It's so weird to think, though, because it feels as though you have always been here. 
 You are 9 months old now, and you get into EVERYTHING. The word "no" has no effect on you. It just makes you laugh harder. You crawl around and get into everything. Your favorite thing in the whole entire world is the cat and dog dishes. You crawl right over to them all the time and bang them around, and drag them around with you as you crawl. The second we feed the animals, you are there in a flash to "help". 
 You love to clap, and clap for yourself quite a bit. Often when you are getting in trouble, you'll just start smiling and clapping, and looking pretty thrilled with yourself. You love to clap, wave, do "so big" (usually when you are done eating--like you are saying "so full!") and give pats as you hug. I love to pick you up, because you always pat me on my shoulder. 
 You still say "Mama" and "Dada" pretty regularly. If I ask you, "where's sissy?" You will look around for her. You love Leah so much! You play together often, but you are becoming more and more aware that she is withholding certain toys from you. You have started to protest. When Leah wants some attention, you usual decided that you do too, and crawl over and try to push her off my lap. 
 You have 4 teeth on top and 3 on the bottom this month. You love to eat and you LOVE toast. You get so happy when you get your own piece. You still love puffs and "big kid" food. You tolerate the purees and oatmeal, but they are clearly not your favorite. 
 You are a busy girl, Jelly Boo! You crawl around quickly and love to explore. You also love baths, the cats and dogs, and standing up. You pull up on everything. 
 You still wear mostly 3-6 month clothes, though I have pulled a few 6-12 month shirts out. The 6 months pants fit you perfectly, so we won't mess with that! You wear size 3 diapers. 
 You usually wake up 2 times each night, around 1 and 5:30. You love to sleep in, and would sleep in until 8:30 or 9:00 if I let you. You now take 1 morning nap, 1 afternoon nap, and 1 evening nap. You nap in your crib. 
You have shown drastic improvement with the car and carseat, and we hope you travel on the airplane well, too.
You don't like the cold weather, though, and you gasp and dry heave in the wind. 

Happy 9 Months, Sweet Girl!

We love you so, so much! 

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