Monday, February 11, 2013

Sesame Live!

We had our 3rd annual trip to Sesame Street Live! 
Leah was sick the day prior, but seemed well enough to go. "Well Enough" seems to sum up how she was. She was okay, but wasn't really into it during the second half. At the intermission, she was ready to go out to lunch and have "chicken and fries". 

She still gets shy when she sees "the guys". She covers her eyes and hides her face. It is so cute. 

 Juliet really enjoyed the show. She was on my lap for most the show, and there was a tall guy sitting in front of me. Juliet kept craning her neck to see around him. At intermission, we moved back a few rows so that Juliet could have a better view. 
 Leah doing the pose that was me and Auntie Robins specialty. 
 See that bow in Juliet's hair? I had great plans for the bow in Cozumel. Chris took it off at Coney and it got left at the restaurant. I was mad. I told him he isn't allowed to play with the girls' accessories anymore. I've trained Leah to love having bows and headbands in her hair. She tells me, "I love to feel fancy". 
 I wanted a family picture. They both turned out as well as they usually do. 
I'm glad we got to go back to Sesame Live, and I hope Juliet loves Sesame as much as Leah did, so we can continue the tradition for years to come. 

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