Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Snug Bugs aka Sick Girlies

 This was a few days before we were hit with the latest batch of illnesses. Poor Jelly Boo, I've seriously lost count of how many days she's been sick. 

After the playing with Lukey a few Saturdays ago, Leah woke up in the middle of the night screaming hysterically. Her fever was 103 and she was almost delirious  She kept saying things like, "I want to go home!" She refused to drink any water or have any medicine. After somewhat calming her down, she insisted she needed to go potty. She was a hot mess, so I just started pulling out some of the "presents" I had got her for the plane ride to Cozumel. She immediately perked up with offerings of new princess books and the DVD "The Princess and the Frog". Juliet woke up and thought we were having a party. She was kicking and laughing and having a great time. Daddy ended up watching "The Princess and the Frog" with Leah in her room, using the portable DVD player until 3:00 am. Juliet refused to go back to sleep until close to 4. The next day Leah was unbothered by the previous nights events. She would just say, "I had to go potty" and shrug. She was doing so well, that I rallied and went to the PB Outlet! 

By Monday I was feeling pretty yucky. My entire body ached. I took off Tuesday for myself, but by Monday afternoon, it was obvious J. Boo was sick, too. She rand a low grade temp for a few days and was pretty crabby. I ended up taking off Wednesday to stay home with her. 
 By Friday I thought the worse had passed. Then, I got a call from Sassy's preschool that she had woken up from her nap holding her ear and crying. We treated that, and thought we were okay. On Saturday, right before we left for a fundraiser sponsored by Chris' bosses, I noticed that Juliet had a temp. She spent Sunday with a fever, sleeping in my arms. She was hardly awake all day. I took another day off. We took her back to the doctor on Monday, and she was diagnosed with a cold. Poor thing. She is on the mend today, though. 

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