Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sickies, Continued

I thought we were in the clear health wise. I don't know why I ever think that, because I am never right. Especially with Sassy, when she gets sick, she seems to stay sick for a long time. Last winter she was sick for almost a month straight. 

These pictures were taken when we thought Leah was over the stomach flu. We were wrong. Luckily Juliet hasn't gotten sick (yet--knock on wood)! 
 On Wednesday night Leah and I were both really tired. I went to bed with Juliet around 8:30, and Leah went to bed around 9:00 with Chris. I woke up at 10:30 feeling really woozy. A few minutes later, it was clear why. I had the stomach flu. Yuck! Leah was up an hour later feeling sick too. Poor Sassy was throwing up all night. Daddy stayed with her in her room, and I came and checked on her when I could, since I was also sick. Luckily Juliet slept through the entire thing. Poor Sassy kept getting sick, then asking for a new dress to wear, "Get me my candy cane dress with the tutu, please and the red Elmo bow to match". 
 The next day I thought I was going to die. I was so tired and drained and sick. Chris worked from home, but he still had to work. Leah seemed mostly recovered, Juliet was unaffected, and I felt like I was a hop, skip, and jump from death. It was an awful day. Leah seemed in the clear and had a fine day on Thursday. I sent her to school on Friday and tried to clean the house. I Lysoled the entire house, scrubbed bathrooms, the works. On Saturday, Leah got sick again. It was a gross day. Poor girl. She was so upset that I had her sitting on the old green blanket. She kept saying, "I promise I won't puke". She was treated to some movies and lots of cuddles. Juliet tried to make her smile, too. 
 Juliet and Chris have managed to aviod the nasty tummy bug, and we hope we can keep it that way! 

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