Thursday, May 9, 2013

Children's Day at the Farm

 Leah was so excited to take us back to her school. 
 We enjoyed a bounce house (Sassy's favorite!), the slide, a hayride, and yummy treats. The day raised money for a camp for children with cancer. There lots of items and baskets up for raffle. We won a free week of tuition! 
Jelly Boo was a little sad that she couldn't walk more than she got to. It was too wet and gross. 
 Leah loved the Merry Go Round. Even after she fell off. 
 Juliet loves the outdoors. She usually cries when we bring her inside. 
 Leah climbed to the top of the hay stairs and was very proud when she got to the top. 
 Leah's favorite animal is a cat. She loved the kitties on the farm. 
 Sassy in her element!