Sunday, May 12, 2013

J Boo's Party

 Look at these two! I LOVE this picture! 
 Juliet wielding a knife as she plays. 
 Leah pushing Juliet around in the shopping cart. 
 Juliet really liked her present from the Z's. 
 Juliet liked the cake until she tried to touch the candle and I had to tell her no. Then she was not so happy. She recovered when she got to try to cake. 
 Anna really liked the cupcake. It was really cute to watch her eat it. 
 Leah and Lukey liked their cupcakes, too. 

I am looking slightly cross eyed in the picture. 
 Juliet loved her cupcake. She ate almost the entire thing, and it was huge! 

Silly Girl.
For the record, her "party" consisted of the Z's coming over. No one should have any hurt feeling about not being invited. We just wanted to give her a little low key celebration.