Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Round Here

Jelly Boo loves chalk. She loves to get it, carry it around, use it to draw on the van, and, occasionally, try to eat it. When she gets outside, she immediately starts to reach for the ground (if she's being held), then toddles right over to the chalk. 
 Leah modeling. Leah hasn't wanted her picture taken much lately, and we've sometimes had to have some conversations about being a team player, and following directions. However. when she is in the mood, she's all about it!
 Leah sleeping with Brain. Her favorite thing. 

 Juliet loves hummus. She is offically ours! 
 These girls will only travel in the wagon now. They play, tickle, and argue throughout all of our walks. 

 Leah and her "boy Brain" 
 Juliet loves the sand table. 
 Leah found a Princess chair at Costco. We had to buy it. Juliet got the old Kitty chair. She wasn't impressed. 

 Leah dancing