Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Birthday, Jelly Boo!

 Juliet Renee,

You are one year old! What a ride this year has been. Having 2 kids is so much harder than I ever thought, but I would not trade one thing about this past year. You are such a delight! You are so smart, independent, happy, and such a joy. You are small but mighty. You are also one of the cutest babies I know. 
 You have the most mischievous giggle. You love to play peek-a-boo and chase. You love everything your sister loves: Dora, princesses, pink, and dresses. You get very excited when you watch a Sesame Street and go into the same trance like expression that Leah used to. You are smart: you can listen to directions, you can go find your sissy, doggy, or Brain when we ask you to. You love to go and get your own shoes. You LOVE to play outside. You love to eat: blueberries, raspberries, cottage cheese and any type of meat rank among your favorite items. 
 Your hair is getting so long. You have your Mommy's hair (sorry) and I just don't think bangs are going to suit you. You have been wearing a lot of headband and barrettes to keep your hair out of your face. You are usually pretty good about leaving them alone. 
 You love to play and to play hard. You get right into what ever activity you are into. You get many more outfit changes than your sister did at this age. You HATE when we tell you no. You cry and cry and cry. You still don't really care for the carseat, but you tolerate it much better than you used to. 
 I tried to get you to show me the number 1 with your finger. You weren't really into it. 
 You are such a joy, Jelly Bean! Even though you are active, you are still a great cuddler. You wake up every morning with a huge smile. I always wake you up 20 minutes before you actually need to be up so we can cuddle. You also cuddle before and after all naps. You give the best little hugs, and LOVE to give open mouth kisses. How can we resist? 
We love everything about you, Jelly Boo.

We wouldn't know what to do without you.

We love you!