Monday, July 14, 2014

Hannah's Graduation Party

 I can't believe Hannah has graduated High School. I remember baby-sitting her like it was yesterday. Somehow I don't have singe picture of the graduate (likely because we spent a good potion of the party in the bathroom with Juliet--TMI alert--she got through the day accident free and also pooped in the potty! HUGE for her!), and because all of her friends were there, too. I got a few good pic's though. Leah loved playing with her cousin Lucia. The bounce house was a hit. The girls bounced until they were all flushed. 
 A sweet picture of all the sisters and Mom.
 Some more sweet pictures of the kids. I love the one of Juliet and Lucia hugging! So sweet. The food was a hit. Chris and I lost count of how many cookies Juliet had after 4. Leah had at least 2 cake pops and brought home another. 

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