Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Day in the Life (Winter Vacation 2016)

 7:30 (ish) -Wake up. Get ready for breakfast. Maybe let Mommy take a quick picture before the sun gets too bright. Get Grandma and Grandpa and head to breakfast. Each morning the girls got pancakes and syrup and fruit. Juliet took a liking to the chocolate cereal and would mix it with chocolate milk and call it her "soup" each morning, and would also eat that. Also, every morning, Juliet would ask me, "Did you bring a straw?" for her chocolate milk. I never had one. Juliet doesn't like drinking out of big cups without a straw. This resort didn't distribute straws unless they were giving drinks out right out of a coconut. So, we had to conserve the 2 straws we got from my mom and a nice woman on the beach. We kept rinsing them out and using them over and over.
 8:30 - Play outside while everyone else finished eating and drinking coffee (Chris is a coffee convert!). This resort had a great playground. Most mornings Juliet would meet her "baby friend" there and they would all play for a while. This resort was much more kid friendly and had waayyy more kids that our usual hotel. It was very appreciated by the girls. Leah asked, "Can this be our new Cozumel?" I thought that was pretty funny. Later in the week, we also discovered a chess board. Leah really liked playing. Juliet liked making up games and telling everyone that they were losing.
9:30-Get ready for the beach. Get sunscreened up. Usually the girls would play in the hammock while Chris and I got ready. The girls really appreciated having their own personal hammock on our patio. I thought it was cool, too, but I could never get in because these kids hogged it the entire trip!
 10:00- Play on the beach. This beach was nicer than our other hotel, and Leah appreciated running on the beach and swimming. My view of her most of the trip was her in the ocean saying, "Watch me swim" or "Wanna come in the ocean now?" Most mornings we would also get the girls a daiquiri, too. Typically I remembered to pack the straw after the breakfast. The girls really liked the drinks!
 Sometimes after playing on the beach for a while, we would move to the kiddie park. Or, KID park if you asked Leah. She hated when we called it the kiddie park. I never got a picture, but there was a huge pirate ship with 2 slides coming out of it. You could climb on, too, and shoot water and play with other little water park type things. The kids liked it. The water was only like 6 inches deep, so they were happy there. And, it was huge! Leah really liked the slides, but Juliet never wanted to try them. Usually Juliet would look for her "baby friend" to play with here, and Leah would find some kids to play hide-and-seek tag with (her favorite game).

 12:30- Lunch! The girls loved eating chicken nuggets, fries, melon, and chips and cheese for lunch. Some days they didn't have chicken nuggets and the girls would get so sad! I made nachos every day, except for one day I had a hamburger and totally regretted it. Chips, guac, and beer. Done.
 After  lunch we would check on the iguanas. They really liked this particular spot. I think there were 6 in this picture. As the week went on, we got braver about feeding them.

2:00- The girls would go to my parents room. Juliet would sleep and Leah would read books and listen to her iPod. Chris and I would go back to the beach (thanks Grandma and Grandpa for watching the girls!). I got really into swimming this trip, and would take a long swim every afternoon. I forgot how much I liked to swim (especially in the ocean).

4:30- The girls would wake up and come back to the beach.

6:15- Watch sunset and take pictures. The sunset in Cozumel is one of my favorite views, and we tried to see it every day we were there. There were a few evenings with clouds positioned so that we couldn't see it, and one night we had dinner reservations at sunset. But, we saw it the rest of the time. I love watching how the sun seems to expand and melt into the ocean, and even more how it looks like a candle blowing out when it finally disappears from view.

7:00- Dinner. There was a balloon guy there 2 nights and Leah and Juliet were obsessed. They loved him. They were so sad to leave their creations behind. It was pretty cool to watch him and well worth the $4 we paid in tips for their enjoyment.

 8:00 - Head back to grandma and grandpa's hut and drink wine. The girls would watch a movie every night on our little player. Half-way through the week we saw that each room actually had a DVD player. Ha.

10:00- Bed. Everyone would fall asleep immediately.

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