Thursday, February 25, 2016

Valentine's Day

Leah was so excited to go to Cozumel. This will be the last year that we can take a February vacation. Next year, there is no more mid-winter break. Heartbroken. Anyway, Leah really appreciated that we were in Cozumel for Valentine's. She spent the morning looking for heart shaped shells/coral pieces and writing her love for us in the sand.

Valentine's night we tried (in vain) to recapture some the picture we got of Leah last year twirling in the sunset.
The girls did let me take a ton of pictures of them all dressed in the MJC Platinum, though. These dresses are my favorites. I don't know if I can ever bring myself to part with Leah's, though she tells me repeatedly, "It feels like this dress is too small and I don't like how it ties". Tough, kid. It's my favorite. I promise that this is the only dress that I have to (semi) force her to wear. 

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