Thursday, February 25, 2016

Our lost month...

 What a month. We survived it! Ha. We had some fun times, too. 
The girls did a session of soccer. We worried that Leah was in a little over her head (I put her in a class that required "experience" since it was at the same time as Juliet's. Otherwise we would have had to wait there an extra hour--all of us--before Leah's class would begin. I figured "experience" was a pretty relative term).  Leah did well, though, once she got used to the rules and game. 
 Here are some "action" shots. We couldn't get any of Juliet's because all the parents blocked the shots. It wasn't a "Mommy and Me" class, but parents just kept showing up each week and not leaving. By the last class, Juliet was the only one that didn't have an adult awkwardly standing around them. 

 Valentines Day! Leah wanted to do a something special that also gave each kid a present. We searched Pinterest...everything looked too expensive or involved. Leah made up this idea herself. She drew, cut, and colored 24 butterflies. We attached Smarties to the thorax and tied on a butterfly straw. She was so proud and I thought it was so creative. She did almost all the work herself, except for tying on the straw.  Last year, Juliet needed help to make a "J" on her Valentines. This year, she wrote her entire name on every card (with no help) and added a heart to each envelope. Her class wouldn't allow for candy, so we added a Valentines pencil. 
 Here are few of their Valentines. 
 The girls have been really into super heroes. PJ Masks is their favorite show, and I think it's just like crack for kids. They beg to watch it,  are constantly acting it out, and arguing over who is "Owlette".

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