Sunday, April 16, 2017

Catching Up

 Some things we've missed since January...
 Valentine's Day! Juliet was very proud of the bag she made for all her Valentines.

 The girls had a wonderful Valentine's Day. I planned and volunteered at Leah's party. It was our last party that the planning party committee I joined was in charge of planning. It was a little more work than I anticipated, but fun nonetheless.

For Valentine's Day, the girls got flowers from Daddy and some presents from Mommy and a nice dinner at our favorite (local) Mexican restaurant. It was a little sad that we missed our usual February break since our school calendar changed. We really liked getting away from winter for that week.
Brain and Leah really cuddling.

On the way to Girl Scout Camp, we saw a sign for a Titanic Exhibit at a Museum in Flint. Leah was really excited to go because she had been reading non-fiction Titanic books for a few weeks. She watched the movie, too. Chris has always vowed to never watch it, but he caved when Leah was watching it, and saw a decent chunk of it. Leah, Juliet and I all commented on how handsome Jack was.  We went to the Sloan Museum over our 4 day weekend in February. We all got tickets with the name of real passengers. Juliet ended up being a famous survivor, who had her baby taken by another passenger and she had to prove he was hers based on a birthmark. Leah and I died. Chris lived. Afterward, there was a kids playing area, and all the kids were playing and asking each other, "Did you live or die?" It was pretty funny to see. 

Juliet had crazy hair day at school. This is what we came up with. She loved it. 

Our first sunny day in a while, and the girls were excited to play outside after school. Both thought it would be best to change into pajamas, so this is what they came up with. They played baseball. It was adorable and I couldn't stop laughing at their outfits. 

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