Sunday, April 16, 2017

Exotic Wildlife

Our hotel has people that come around with animals every other day and take your picture. A few years ago, Leah held a parrot and a monkey. This year she was excited to see what animals there were, and wanted to hold them all!

I love this picture of Boo and Grandma! This was when Leah was holding an iguana. Juliet wasn't interested at all. 
 This is the Burmese Python. It was like 8 feet long and all muscle. Leah was so excited to hold it and not timid or afraid in the least. This is the same kid that still feels a little shy around Disney Princesses. It was fun to see her so excited. She just kept saying, "I just love all kinds of animals. I love them all!"
 This was the only picture of Juliet and the snake. Somehow, she was convinced by the photographer to sit by her sister. Then they wrapped the snake around her. Juliet was like, "I'm out of here!"
 Daddy got in a picture, too, but it was annoying to Leah who wanted the snake all to herself.
 I'm just not sure that there's a much cooler picture of a girl and a snake than this one.

 Leah liked this guy, too. 
 Leah's arm was shaking after taking this picture. He was heavy!
 Juliet like the parrots. They were her speed. Maybe in a few years she'll be like Leah taking all kinds of pictures with the snake. 
 So proud!
 My favorite parrot is the one that plays dead. We remember her from a few years back.
 All these animals are pets from the island. The monkey doesn't come anymore because it's too hard for him to deal with the ferry. Ha!

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