Saturday, April 22, 2017


 The Easter Bunny came. Each girl got a Hatichimal and some books and a toy. Leah got this giant kitty. It's quite large, but she loves it!
 They were annoyed I made them take pictures before they found their eggs. 
 Ollie wanted in. So did Brain, but they were done and ready to find their eggs. 

 The Easter baskets were hidden in the closet. 

 They were so excited to get Hatchimals. Or as Juliet calls them, "crashimals" or "crackimals". They had a lot of fun hatching them. Leah's hatched first. Turns out the toys are pretty annoying. Juliet has played with hers once or twice, Leah hasn't played with hers at all. But, it was a really fun time to get them to hatch. 

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