Saturday, April 22, 2017

Some other random pictures

 Our family in front of the hotel. Our room was the top floor directly above my head on the top floor with the curved balcony. It had a great view! 

 This trip Juliet loved the inner-tube float. Just like Leah did when she was 4. She loved this thing. She used it as often as she could. We even took it in the ocean a few times to swim to the buoys and back.
 This trip Juliet was buried in sand. We were still finding sand in her hair last week. 

 I love this top of Juliet's. It has raccoons on it. I've always felt a little kinship with raccoons because of the vitiligo I have around my eyes. It started a discussion about "Spirit Animals". Leah thinks hers is a cat, Juliet thinks hers is a bird, and Chris thinks his is a tiger. I'm not sure about mine. A week after we got back, the girls and I were at Panera Bread, and two teenage girls were talking about their spirit animals, and backing their suggestions up with research on their phones. It was pretty funny!
 This guy let me get very close. 
 The last night (well, what we thought was the last night) we went to town to get the girls hair braided. It's pretty dead when the cruise ships leave. We were worried that we wouldn't find anything. Finally we did, but I'm pretty sure she hustled us. She changed the price at the end, and it was way more than I thought was worth it. But, she was packing up to leave when we came, and she stayed and did their hair. They loved it, so it was all good.

 Here they are getting their hair done:
 Leah wanted flowers.
 Juliet wanted beads. 
 They kept the braids in for a week and a half. I made them take them out for Easter. They were looking a little ratty by then.

 More kissing pictures.

 I love this picture of Leah. She was trying to be artistic and thoughtful. Then, a wave put her back in her place.
 Leah got a seagull to eat out of her hands.

 Hammock time. This year people would put their stuff on the hammocks first thing in the morning to "save" them. Then no one else could use them all day. So they just sat empty most of the day with someone things on a chair under them. We thought that was selfish. So my mom complained and Chris and I would just move the chairs and put the girls in them anyway. 

Juliet finally forgave me for (accidentally) flipping her out of one years ago. This time, on one of our last nights, Juliet wanted to be swung way higher than I thought was safe in one of these. She loved it. I thought it was dangerous. 

We ended up with a bonus 2 days in Cozumel. There was a huge storm in Atlanta that impacted Delta. The morning we were supposed to leave I read an article about it and Delta said something like, "we haven't handled this in the way in which we expect from ourselves" Airlines never seem to admit to mistakes involving weather, so it must have been bad. At the airport, we ran into people who had been stuck since Wednesday (this was Saturday!). Our flight was oversold, so we ended up flying back Monday. I successfully argued for Delta to put us back at our same hotel. We flew first class out of Cancun. First class was awesome, until Juliet tried to pop her ears and ended up getting sick. Poor girl. We ended up with some vouchers, too, so we are planning a summer trip. 

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