Sunday, August 17, 2014

Getting Ready for Yosemite

 We went back to the beach the day before we left for Yosemite. It was low tide so we were able to go through the cave, which Juliet *loved*. The tide was also low enough that Juliet was able to find some snails to "pop" (one of her most favorite activities). 
 Juliet showing off the snail that she popped. 
 Leah had fun making various sand creations and trying to trick us into eating them. 

It was on this beach trip that Leah discovered her love of rock climbing. Here is the proud girl after climbing a pretty big rock on the beach. We had no idea that this would foreshadow the GIANT/scary/down right dangerous rocks she would climb in Yosemite.  
 Juliet didn't really like to climb rocks, but she couldn't be left out. So, she found small ones to climb instead. 

 I think we tired out the girls pretty well. They were ready for their 5 am wake up call the next day. 

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