Sunday, August 17, 2014

Yosemite, Day 2

 I love this picture of Juliet in her car seat looking up at the mountains. I see now that she slipped her arm out of her strap. 
 We went to breakfast at the Ahwahnee Hotel inside Yosemite for breakfast. The hotel is super old and is so beautiful. And apparently some of "The Shining" was filmed there. It was a little pricey, but not too bad for breakfast (which was the only meal I thought my kids would actually eat there, anyway). It was good and a fun experience.  
 The views around the hotel were truly breathtaking, so of course we took some pictures. I love the picture of Leah spinning in front of the mountains. 
 Next we went to Glacier Point. Chris was not too thrilled that I let Leah climb this rock. Or with the fact that I hadn't packed the kids "play clothes" to change into after breakfast. After a few days of intense travel, the girls were kind of off on this day. There was a lot of whining. Leah kept climbing SUPER dangerous rocks and getting in trouble. Juliet was tiring of the car seat and decided to play her favorite game, "Try to Make Leah Cry in Frustration". Glacier Point only had outhouses, which thoroughly disgusted Leah (and the Mama that had to hover over it holding 2 kids). We made the most of it, and had a pretty good morning.  
 All the whining couldn't take away from these views, though.
 The 2 waterfalls below are Vernal Falls and Angel Falls. I climbed both when I came with the Dzialo's and my parents right before we were engaged. This trip, Chris and I climbed Vernal Falls sans children. 

 Another view of the falls. 

 Leah was super sad to leave Chris and I at the park and go back to the hotel for nap time. I worried about her, but I knew she was just super over tired. She slept the entire time we were gone (about 3 hours). Chris and I climbed Vernal. It didn't have as much water as it did on my first hike, but that was kind of better because the rocks weren't as slippery. 
 We had to time the hike with a pick up time from my dad. We almost timed it right, but should have given ourselves an extra half hour or so. We made it almost to the top before we had to turn around. We did go off the path and scaled some rocks to get closer to the falls. It was breathtaking. 
 We are so not selfie people, but we attempted a few. We were laughing about how bad we are at them. 

 We came back to the hotel, had dinner, and played in the river some more. Juliet is so happy! 

 A beautiful sunset over the river. A great end to the day!

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