Sunday, October 30, 2016

Farm Party

 We were back at the Farm Party this year! Juliet was so excited that it was "her" farm party. Leah was very excited to cuddle the new calf, and even milked the cow. I always feel really bad for the cows here. It can't be easy to be in a barn with 100 wild kids where the only rule is to wash your hands after manhandling the animals. These cows always look so over it. 

 This was the first year that Juliet actually liked the goats! They usually scare her. I can't count the times I've had to carry her around the barn because she has been too afraid to be put down. 
 She was mighty proud of herself!

 They both rode horses. Juliet's took a giant dump that Leah's horse tried to avoid. It was pretty funny. 
 After decorating some pumpkins, Juliet enjoyed helping the band keep the rhythm. 

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