Saturday, October 1, 2016

First Day of School

 This is a mighty late post, but being back to school full time, planning a secret vacation, and there being a few other things in life that didn't go according to plan have delayed the old blog. I love the idea of the girls reading here when they are older, so it's just a delay.

The first day of school crept up on us this year. July seemed like the month that never ended, but August flew by. Between my parents and sister being here, the girls party, and our trip to Chicago, it seemed like we blinked and August was gone. Then it was back to school time. Leah was super thrilled to be at school together, and I was, too. Juliet sometimes gets a little jealous that we go to the same school, but she also really loves the Farm.

 Both girls (still) aren't quite back on school time. Both love to sleep and don't appreciate getting up early. Of all the days we've been back, I've only NOT had to wake up a kid one time (Juliet got up early on morning and panicked that I wasn't in my room, so she woke up Leah and both were freaking out--I was downstairs eating a bowl of cereal).

Both girls love their teachers and new friends. Leah is getting spelling words and has a love/hate relationship with them. She loves getting 100%, but worries that she will mess up a word and wonders if she needs to memorize all the words that are on the list. Leah's teachers report that she is kind and smart and a total rule follower. She remembers all the procedures of the class. All of her work comes back marked Q+ (the highest mark).

Juliet likes getting homework and loves being able to play on the Farm. Her teachers report that Juliet is consistently the only kid who remembers the theme of the week. Juliet loves to talk about the bible stories that Mrs. Kimberly has shared. She is fascinated with watching Leah do her homework and telling her that she does the same kind of things at her school (tally marks and greater than/less than symbols).

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