Thursday, May 17, 2012

Life as a Family of 4 (so far)

 Juliet in her "coming home" outfit. I was so glad that it fit!
 Leah and Baby Juliet cuddling in the "white bed" as Sass calls it with their Nuks. Leah is obsessed with the baby nuks. She keeps collecting them and saying, "I just want to hold this." She has been a lot more into her nuk, too. We know it is a comfort object for her, so we're trying to give her some leeway. Let's just say she has seen our leeway and raised us for more leeway. Sass is also learning not to jump all over around Juliet. It's been a challenge.
 We got out the Sand and Water table as a distractionary item for Sass. It has worked.
Baby Juliet makes the cutest expressions. I can't believe how many smiles I've seen. I know that they are not (yet) purposeful, but I am still enjoying them!

 Leah tried spaghetti! Usually she isn't so into new foods, but she was all over these noodles.

 Our first walk as a family of 4. We walked 2 houses down in either direction. It was all I could handle. This recovery has been much more challenging than Sassy's.

 With Leah, we didn't leave the house for several days after she was born. I remember taking her to Bye Bye Baby at maybe a week old, and thinking "we are so crazy to be doing this!". Baby Juliet has been on several adventures so far. She has been to Buy Buy Baby, The Home Depot, Kohls, and Costco. They have been very quick trips, and we've kept her away from germy people. Juliet has also been to the doctor twice. They were concerned about her weight, so we had to go back for a weight check today. She gained 5 ounces in 2 days. They were very impressed. I make great breastmilk.

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