Monday, May 21, 2012

A New Normal Morning

 Now that the weather is nice, Sassy wants to play outside all the time. The days have been hot, she we've been trying to let her play outside in the morning, when it is the coolest, and keep her inside in the afternoon. Sassy has been enjoying her pool, sand and water table, and all her outdoor toys.
 Juliet loves to snooze outside. I swear, she sleeps best when she is outside. We keep her in the shade, under two umbrellas to make sure she stays cool. She is such a little stinker! This morning she pooped all over me and all over the bed as Leah looked on in absolute horror. Yesterday she spit up mass quanties of breast milk. I couldn't believe that much milk came out of my tiny baby. I insisted on holding her upright for the remainder of the evening, and worried about her asphyxiating in her sleep all night. When she first came home from the hospital, I remarked how different it was to nurse her, it seemed she just meant business, she would nurse and sleep. Sassy loved to linger on the boob. I think I called it too soon. Jelly Bean now very much enjoys nursing and tries to linger for as long as possible (as evidenced by the massive puke).

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