Saturday, June 16, 2012

First Smiles

 I woke up on Friday morning to sweet Juliet smiling beside me. At first, I thought I was dreaming, or she had gas. Then I started talking to her and she just kept smiling while looking at my face intently. Sassy woke up (she is allowed in the "white bed" when the sun comes up, so she usually joins me in bed between 5:00 and 6:00am and snoozes some more until 7:30/8:00) and noticed Juliet smiling. She was making silly faces at her and saying "she's happy, Mommy?!" with a tinge of disbelief. 
 I was worried that the morning was a fluke, so after an afternoon nap, I tried to get her to smile again. And she did! She has to be in the right mood to do it, but when she does it is great! Daddy and I have seen several smiles from our Jelly Belly Boo Boo. 
We are glad to see smiles because she has been so fussy lately. There has been a lot of bouncing, rocking, and baby wearing in our house lately. I actually went full out hippie and bought the Moby Wrap. She likes it, but I worry about her getting too hot. Her disposition is improving, but there are times where she just seems really uncomfortable. 
 Leah's first social smile was at 6 weeks. So, Jelly Belly beat her on this milestone at 4 weeks (and 6 days). 

I know she's not smiling in the above picture, but I just really like it. 

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