Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Leah Photo Dump

I should probably write an update for you every time I do one for Jelly Belly, since you are at such a fun stage. I guess if I wanted to record something for you right now, I would want to tell you what an amazing big sister you are. Jelly Bean is high needs. There are some days where I feel like I am bouncing, walking, or nursing her all day. I feel like all you hear is, "I can't right now. I'm ___________ Juliet." Even though your life has drastically changed, you haven't acted out (aside from taking longer to go to sleep; which let's face it: is your way of getting some one on one time with Mommy). You wait patiently for your turn, you don't get jealous when I make silly faces at her or talk to her, you still run to her when she cries, and you try to find ways that I can partake in your activities (i.e. "Here Mommy, here's the sling. Put her in this and then do this puzzle with me.")
You are such a character right now. One of my favorite things you do is when you ask to do something and Daddy or I say no. You reply, "Why? But you love to __________." One day last week I had to sit in the chair in your room after you refused to go to sleep. You just kept repeating "But you love to stay in the pink bed!" It was hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time.
 You are also so smart! We've bought you several 48 piece puzzles, which you quickly master. You are also really into stop signs. You always point them out and say, "See that stop sign? Now stop the car!". You have also created a game where you see who can find the most yellow cars when we go out. You have your daddy and I noticing yellow cars everywhere we go now. You find words you can "read" in books, and love to point them out. We were reading Burt and Ernies Great Adventures today, and you read "AGGG!" with much enthusiasm, while doing the correct finger swipe under the word.
 You really like playing with other people. Grandma and Grandpa stayed with us for a few days, and you had so much fun playing with them. You were up to 11:00 one night! We've been telling you about our annual firework experience with Aunt Renee and family, so you have been talking a lot about the fireworks. You keep telling us, "just wait until it gets dark, then all colors will be in the sky." It's pretty cute.
 You like to take care of your stuffed animals. You love to put them to bed. You are very sweet about it. Your current favorites seem to be Kermit, a bunny you bought for Juliet, a ratty old Elmo, and Abby.
You love to dress up. You always tell us, "I look like a princes, I look gorgeous." You are also into dancing. You keep telling Daddy and I that you need tap shoes. You tell us for your birthday you want a princess/fairy Abby party. You are so funny!

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