Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Jelly Belly Boo Boo

 Jelly Belly Boo Boo (your new nickname, as chosen by big sister Sassy),

Happy 1 Month Birthday! I can hardly remember life without you (though I think that is because I am so sleep deprived). You weigh around 9 pounds now, and are beginning to outgrow your newborn clothing (though the outfit you are wearing in this picture is a preemie sized, silly Janie and Jack). You have had a rough first month. You were got sick at week 2, and even though your congestion has improved, you still seem uncomfortable. You insist on being held (or worn) almost all the time. It is a lot of work. Daddy and I wonder if you have some sort of dairy intolerance, which is causing you to have an upset belly. I have cut all dairy from my diet to see if it makes a difference for you (I am living on cereal bars and twizzlers). You love to be held. You like to nuzzle into whom ever is holding you. 
 You also like a quiet house, which is difficult with big sister Leah. When she gets loud, you make loud grunting noises, and make me kick Leah off my lap to get up and walk with you. You like it when I talk to you and tell you silly stories, but you get overstimulated quickly and like to be put back to sleep (but NOT put down). Yesterday I wore make-up for the second time in your life, and you kept studying my face intently. You do the same thing when I wear a towel on my head after a shower.
Daddy and I are so in love with you, even if you are a challenging baby. We are so happy to have you here, and can't wait to watch you grow! 

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