Sunday, November 29, 2015

Black Friday

 In celebration of Black Friday we dressed up in Christmas clothes and finalized our lists to Santa. Leah would like: Julie's Dogs (American Girl), underwear, American Girl books, and some skirts. Juliet would like: Bitty Baby Doctor Kit, underwear, dresses that match with Leah, and Kit books. We do something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read gifts from Santa. It's worked perfectly. From us, Leah wants an I-pod and Juliet wants a Leap Pad. 

 Still looking for that illusive magical girls and dog picture...

 We also broke out the mini trees for their rooms. They were so excited to decorate their trees. It was funny watching them unpack the ornaments. They had no idea what they had and were so excited every time they opened one. 
 Brain liked the trees, too.
I ended up buying a new carpet cleaner on Target's website and we had to go to the store to pick it up. Leah and I went and were glad that we are not Black Friday shoppers. Leah was reading all the signs asking why there were signs for lines. And why there were arrows around the store. And why did the store look dirty. And why were there so many people out? It was pretty funny. 

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