Sunday, November 29, 2015

Tree Farm

 Ollie's first trip to the farm. He was super excited. 
 This girl wasn't so excited. The car ride was too long. She was too hot. No, too cold. It was hard to walk. She was hungry. She wanted to leave the farm, get lunch, and come back. She wanted a small tree. No, a big tree. No, a red tree. 
 We found several contenders, but ended up with this one that Leah picked. A little smaller than usual, but a great choice. And, she was right on about the size. I love how it looks in our living room. 
 We took our annual horse drawn sleigh ride. Leah sat as up front as you could get. She loved watching the horses. Ollie sat in the car and panicked that we had left him while we were on the the wagon ride and Chris was having the tree baled. 

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