Thursday, August 8, 2019

Dance Recital

 Juliet wearing my most favorite recital outfit of all time (Pineapple Princess) and Leah wearing my favorite costume from my favorite dance of hers from all time. 

This year Leah took 4 classes (jazz, tap, ballet, and lyrical) and Juliet took 3  (acro, tap, and ballet). They love to dance and often make up dances and combinations. They are amazing to watch. Leah has such an obvious natural talent. I think Juliet does, too, but at this point I get the most joy watching her take it seriously, trying to remember her steps while smiling broadly (I thought the same thing about Leah when Leah was Juliet's current age).  
 For the past few years Leah has begged to join the dance team. It's a huge commitment and I've been very hesitant to allow her to. I put it off for a year after she was invited to audition. This year she was SO READY and wanted it SO BADLY. Then they told us there were no openings on the team. She was so devastated. The next day, they sent a message that she was invited to privately audition. She was ready! She made the team and has told us several times that she made the right decision and that dancing is definitely her "thing". 

 They love to dance! The stage make-up and itchy dresses, not so much, but enough to dance anyway.

This year Juliet wants to audition for the Christmas Show. She says she loves dance, but also loves gymnastics and soccer and isn't sure she wants dance to be her "thing". That's fine with us. 

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