Thursday, August 8, 2019

Happy Birthday, Juliet!

 Dear Juliet,

Sorry I'm a bit late on this. Looking at these pictures is making me so sad! It was only a few months ago, but you look so much older already now. Your 2 top teeth have come in all the way, and you look even more like a "big kid". 

For your birthday, we went to the Science Center in Detroit. It was really fun, and well worth the trip! You say you want to join NASA when you grow up some days. Other days you want to be a teacher, a doctor (so Teddy can be your nurse), a dance teacher, or a chef. You know for sure that you want to be a mom, and most days tell me you want at least 4 kids. You are amazing, and  I know you could do anyone of those things. 
 You are such a fun kid. Your love of dresses has faded a bit, but you indulge me more than Leah does in wearing them. You love to look sporty. You like jewelry and accessories. You begged and begged for us to cut your hair this year, so after your dance recital, we cut off a good bit and now you have a bob. You LOVE make-up and we actually had to be a bit firm with you on the frequency of which you can wear it (and ONLY at home).   
 You equal parts love activities, and love to be home and lazy. This year you were a Daisy Girl Scout, a gymnast, a soccer player, and a dancer (you did acro, ballet, and tap). Soccer was the only one you complained about regularly. You love to craft and draw. Everyday you ask for paper. You love art supplies and notice right away if I put a new pen or set of crayons in your art caddy. You believe you can never have enough notebooks from Justice (you must have at least 10). You love to dress up, and lately you insist on sleeping in an old dress up cheer leading skirt that we've had for at least 8 years. You and your sister love to play and imagine together. Leah can be a stinker to you, but when push comes to shove, you love her fiercely and are always willing to forgive her or let her have her way (except for when you are not willing--then there's no talking you out of it). You also LOVE to sing and are always singing along with the radio in the car. You remember bits of songs and add on to them later in your own way. 

You make friends anywhere you go, and have an ease around new people that the rest of the us just don't naturally have. You have a lot of friends and are always angling for play dates, or better yet sleepovers. You love babies and little kids and play so well with them. You also like older kids, and love to imagine being a "big kid". When we watch movies, you ask if there's kissing--because you hope there is!  

 You love Teddy, too. I am so happy that you all play together. Now that he's a bit "bigger" he sometimes watches a Play with Me Sesame or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. You love these shows, too, and will happily watch them right along with him. Other shows you love are "Glee", "Go Live Your Way" (I don't quite understand this show), "Growing Pains" (which we started randomly watching one day through Amazon Prime), "Anne with an E", "Liv and Maddie", and "Just Add Magic". You don't get to watch a lot of TV because once it's on, you and your sister do not want to turn it off. You love to go to the movies or watch movies at home and eat popcorn. Lately, on Fridays, we've started banishing you and Leah upstairs to watch TV by yourself while Daddy and I sit downstairs and have some wine. You like the independence of this and the ability to choose your own shows with Leah. We rarely let you play on any devices, but when we do you get pretty excited.  
You have such a joy and a light to you. You feel things deeply, as daddy and I often joke. Sometimes that results with you being extra dramatic. But, typically not. You are very emphatic and kind. There was a situation at school where I wanted your help with a girl in your grade, and you would always seek her out and invite her to play. You are so kind. You give out lots of compliments and "thank you's" each day. You are always giggling and smiling. You give great cuddles and hugs. You can sense when someone is feeling down, and will give them hugs and encouragement. When someone in our family is loosing an argument, you stick up for them. 
 You are smart. You don't yet have the love of books and reading that Leah has had, but you can read and do excel in school. I love that you do well, but I love even more when you teachers tell me that you are kind, a good listener, and a good friend. There is a student with special needs in your class, and I've heard several times that you go out of your way to play with him and include him. 
You love to play outside. This summer we've swam several times a week. Your swimming has gotten great, and I'm pretty sure we won't have a repeat of the drowning incidence we had in Saint Louis. You are always moving. You cartwheel, climb, and are reminded several times a day to not jump on the couch. Outside, you are often on your scooter or playing in the backyard on the play-set. For the most part you are super independent in how you play. 
 You have a great vocabulary and and good wit. We were watching the Democratic debates and you had pretty funny (and accurate!) insights into the candidates. My favorite was when Cory Booker was talking and you said, "I thought smart people aren't supposed to say "literally" like that."
 Like every year, we made you a chocolate cake. You sometimes like sweets, but often pass on them, too. You love veggies which continues to surprise me because Leah is such an anti-vegetable kid for the most part (though she is getting better). You also LOVE peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit, cereal, and macaroni and cheese. You are pretty adventurous and willing to try new foods. 
 Your room is always dirty. You are messy and haven't quite mastered how to clean up as you go. You stand too close to the TV all.the.time. You sometimes get so in your own world that you don't hear us when we say something 34 times. You sometimes want to be right or win an argument so badly that you offer "alternative" facts or scenarios. All of this is okay. Even when it annoys us. You might want to read about this in 30 years when you have your own kids. We think you are great all the time! 
We love you SO MUCH! Our lives wouldn't be complete with out our Boo-sky Boo. I know that SEVEN will be an amazing year for you!

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