Monday, August 12, 2019

OBX- Part One!

 It was so nice to be back in the Outer Banks! The last time we were there, Leah was almost 6 and Juliet was just 3. I remember talking about going the following year, and I was like, "Sorry--we're going to have a baby." THAT certainly took longer than we planned. Since then, we have all done different things for summer vacations. It was SO NICE to all be together again. A special thanks to my parents for helping to make it happen and assuring that we had one of the nicest houses on the beach. 
 Leah was super into doing flips and turns in our pool there. She got pretty good! 

 Most people went on walks on the beach after dinner. We tried, but Teddy was way more interested in getting down and playing in the sand. 
 Look at this boy!

  These cousins (one missing), had the best time ever. Chris and I joked that we felt like we took a vacation without them. They were always off playing pretty independently. Even when they were with us, they were mostly doing their own thing. 

 Despite almost drowning the first day and giving me a total heart attack as I screamed "HELP HIM" (he was saved quickly, but he easily shaved off a few years of my life), Teddy had a great vacation. He earns the "Best Traveler" as a baby badge in the family. He was such a perfect gentleman in the car and just so easy going and happy the entire trip. 

 Leah found a crab!
 Water balloon toss! Leah and Uncle Chris one. Leah refused to play again with the adults because she wanted to savor her win.

 They all had matching suits! Can you tell?!

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