Sunday, March 29, 2020

Back to School!

First Day of 4th and 2nd Grade! 

This year was so bittersweet because Leah left Workman to go to Gallimore (spoiler: she's back at Workman now). Leah tested into our district's TAG (Talented and Gifted) program. It had been her goal to get in, so once she did, we felt like it was important to send her. She was VERY reluctant and spent the Open House frumping around, refusing to do any of the planned activities. It was very unlike her. After a few months, it was clear that while she had made friends, they weren't the type of friends Leah was used to (she would always classify her TAG friends as "School Friends"). While we LOVED her teacher and the challenging, engaging academics, it was clear that Leah was missing her social life and friendships that she had cultivated for the past 4 years at Workman. It was hard for either of us to imagine sleepovers and play dates with the kids from her class--the group was very academically focused. Leah frequently complained about how the girls mostly wanted to sit around and read at recess. We made the decision to bring her back to Workman after Christmas. Her last day at Gallimore was heart breaking. But after only a few days back at Workman, Leah was glad we made the hard choice. On the first recess, she organized a game of "Grounders" (her favorite recess game of all time) and was so delighted that so many kids wanted to play. Now we have no regrets at all. We're glad we experienced Gallimore, but know that Leah is in great hands, too, back at our home school. 

 Despite me wanting to keep her in first grade forever, Juliet insisted on going to second. She got a GREAT class with several friends. She loves her class and her teacher. She's having a great year! 

 Teddy started the year with a new nanny. We LOVE TINA. Teddy loves her so much. I love that I love the people my kids are with for a large part of their day.  He also loves spending Fridays with Grandma and Grandpa. He's also having a great year!  

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