Sunday, March 29, 2020

Probably Mostly August 2019

 The girls were back at Real Life Farm a few days, loving their little slice of free range childhood. Despite me pretending I would be firm about not bringing home kittens, we OF COURSE, ended up bringing home a kitten most days. They love it. 
 We did a movie thing at the Colony. All I remember is that it was a lot colder than I expected. 
 C's boss had his annual "Summer Party". We weren't totally sure what to expect with 3 kids in tow, but it ended up being a ton of fun! Teddy enjoyed the boat rides and playing on the beach, especially. Leah loved looking for shells in the lake. 
 More kittens! 
So this was the funniest story of the summer. Picture this-- it's about 10 AM. We are on summer time, so we've been up for about an hour. The housekeepers are upstairs cleaning, and me and the kids are downstairs watching TV and just being pretty lazy. I had put something outside for front porch pick up that I had sold online. I heard our doorbell alert me that someone was outside picking up their item. Juliet loves to collect the cash after selling things, so she ran out to get the money. She gets the money and life goes on. About 10 minutes later someone knocks on the door. I take a minute to try to look somewhat presentable, and go to the door. No one is there. I sit back down. About 15 minutes later someone rings the doorbell. I look on the "ring" and see that a police officer is standing on my porch. I run out, totally freaked out that someone is dead. She says, "We have a report that your children are running around the neighborhood unsupervised and your dog is loose." I'm like, "WHAT? My kids and my dog are inside". In the meantime, my 2 totally homeless looking girls--full on bedhead wearing old pajamas-- come outside to see what is going on. The police officer is like, "Where's your dog?", I reply, "inside". Then Ollie comes sprinting around the house and both girls start screaming trying to grab him. I'm also trying to grab him with Teddy on my hip, while trying to hide the fact that I'm not wearing a bra. Total chaos. The police officer was like, "WTF is going on?". 

Apparently, when Juliet ran out to get the money, she let Ollie out. Someone saw her outside for 20 seconds (looking homeless) with the dog running around, and came to the door, but didn't stay long enough for me to get to the door. So, that person called the police. 

Anyway, the police officer laughed and I died of embarrassment. 
 We spent SO MUCH time at the pool this summer! Juliet is independent in the water, and Teddy just loved the pool! 
 Teddy is all boy! Ice cream, dirt, mulch, sand...always all over him! 
 Canoeing with the girls! We had so much fun. 

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